Jack Field
LRP & PRF Specialist
Jack resides in Yakima, WA with his wife Skye where they own and operate Lazy JF Cattle Co. a commercial cow/calf cattle operation. Jack was raised on a small cow/calf operation in central Oregon. He graduated with a BS degree in Agricultural Science and Technology and a minor in Agricultural Systems Management from the University of Idaho. Jack previously was the EVP of the Washington Cattlemen’s Association for 13 years. Prior to joining the Washington Cattlemen’s Association in 2004, he was an assistant farm manager. Jack also represents the WCFA in Olympia throughout the legislative session. He works closely with Cattle Feeders throughout the Pacific Northwest to address the challenges of the community. Jack has been working with CKP Insurance since 2010, where he has had the opportunity to work with cattlemen and hay producers throughout WA, OR and ID assisting them with the PRF and LRP programs.